Feed wonky

 Posted by (Visited 4361 times)  Misc
Jan 102008

Yes, the RSS feed is wonky for some people, popping up an auth dialog. I’ve gone through to remove the offending links, but it looks like lots of readers have it cached in various ways, which means that even though it is (theoretically) fixed, it’s still popping up for people.

Not sure what I can do about it at this point other than post a bunch to get the offending article pushed off the feed. 🙂

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The WoW pacifist

 Posted by (Visited 7329 times)  Game talk
Jan 092008

How ironic is this? A player is attempting to level some characters all the way to 70 in WoW without ever killing anything. The only way to do it? PvP.

15 Minutes of Fame: Noor the pacifist – WOW Insider

It looks like PvP is a huge part of your strategy. Do you foresee continuing to PvP the whole way up? I have to; the repeatable daily battleground quests are the only way to “grind” XP if you aren’t going to kill mobs.

Mailbag: marriages, links, China…

 Posted by (Visited 8622 times)  Mailbag
Jan 092008

Hi Raph: I am not sure if I’ve ever thanked you in my visits to your site before or when you had your old site up…so here goes now! I met my husband in Ultima Online in 2001. We are still together – in fact he made me his RL wife two weeks ago in Las Vegas with our family present to give our blessings. (Had a blast – wish you were there!) So, I don’t know really, how involved you were with UO. Richard Garriott also received my thanks but hasn’t written back yet. He’s probably busy with his Tablula Rasa (which i didn’t like at all SHHHH!). Anyway…thank you for creating that world and naming a shard “Catskills.” As fate would have it thats the place we both chose and there we met. HAIL RAPH! *hugs* Thank you for bringing us together!

Well, congratulations! And take that, everyone who thought that Catskills was nothing more than an iniquitous den of PKers. 😉 Though I suppose that by 2001, it wasn’t anymore. And for what it’s worth, I am sure that Richard would offer his congratulations as well.

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