ImagiNation Network revived!
(Visited 6017 times)If you are hankering for some Shadow of Yserbius action, looks like innrevival might have your fix.
The goal of the project is to create a server architecture that is compatible with the ImagiNation Network client software that you may still have lying around somewhere, forgotten, on a stack of floppies or a CD-ROM. This goal is being pursued by reverse-engineering the client software to determine the network messaging protocol that was used. We have had great success with this process so far, and by watching this site regularly for updates you will be able to keep up with our further progress and see what we have already done.
Looks like you will need to run an original client within DOSBox, but they have shots of a bunch of working pieces already — Boogers, 3d Golf, the Clubhouse…
6 Responses to “ImagiNation Network revived!”
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I knew I was saving those floppies for some reason!
*boots up the 386*
I can’t begin to imagine how much money Sierra Network got from me mowing lawns, Just SoY and Red Barron probably waaaaaay to much.
Good times.
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Yes. Me and my grade school friends will be playing games and harassing people again in no time!
I remember when Ken Williams sent a copy to Origin, trying to convince Richard to do a multiplayer Ultima for it. I heard a lot of people at Sierra thought he was nuts for trying to make a multiplayer online gaming service. Turns out he was just a little bit before his time with it. The games there were fun, and better than most anything else that was around at that point in time.