PMOG is going beta…!
(Visited 7426 times)Mar 112008
Justin Hall’s nifty web metagame PMOG is going beta, and you can sign up on their site.
In short, you install an extension to Firefox. Then you browse. You can leave stuff on pages (like bombs!), gain Xp and level up by browsing, do quests, etc. Basically, it layers an RPG on top of browsing: you even have character classes.
This is a great example of the inversion in thinking that comes with the Web approach to doing stuff. I remember toying with a similar but different idea back in the SWG days — an MMO that slurped real world web pages into a full 3d world, and that you ran around in “cyberspace” and played an RPG. How obvious it seems now to instead do it outside of a 3d immersive client!
11 Responses to “PMOG is going beta…!”
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PMOG is going beta…!Posted on March 11, 2008 by Raph
PMOG is the Passively Multiplayer Online Game. To play, you’ll need to Get Firefox and Add Our Extension. Raph’s Website :PMOG is going beta…!
[…] game (+.051! Direct Hit!), game players in the statisticalized demographic sphere spanning pure matrix-fed-battery-being-web-addict to web-addict-with-cellphone-mobile-addiction to full on pure-life-junkies are increasingly on the […]
PMOG is incredibly cool, even if it’s still a little rough around the edges. Some of the RPGish elements need some work to make the reward structure better, but already what you can do is pretty engaging. Just more for it’s own sake than for the gamey elements at the moment. I’m sure that’ll improve over time though.
I’ve been playing for a week or so. The game structure is really loose, but I think it just encourages the community to create its own metagames.
Actually, the only thing I don’t really like about PMOG is that it’s forcing me to use FireFox, which is a godawful browser compared to Opera. (At least imo). That I need to install something like 6 extensions just to get functionality that I consider to be relatively basic after a few years of using Opera was annoying enough, but there are a bunch of interface gaffs, it’s a memory hog, and doesn’t manage to render pages as quickly (noticeably slower even, which isn’t good). And while I cannot determine for sure if this is the fault of FireFox or some of the extensions I’ve got loaded, I’ve gotten a handful of crashes over the past few weeks from it, something I’m really not at all used to having happen except with beta builds of Opera. That PMOG is interesting enough that I’m actually willing to put up with it really says something.
… /rant.
Hey, thanks for the heads up. I’m one of those freaks who typically abhors MMORPGs and all variations of MMORPGs, but this is really cool.
Eolirin-> Hopefully firefox 3 will fix many of those issues. I absolutely love firefox despite its many drawbacks, but I agree that everything you said was a problem.
There’s a similar game that uses the Eve-Online IP (WebWars: Eve) where you conquer web pages and build a fleet of ships to battle against other players for the best sites, like MySpace and Google.
hi could i get an invite for PMOG????
my email is [email protected]
Done 🙂