Another Metaplace Uberspace stress test

 Posted by (Visited 5901 times)  Gamemaking  Tagged with:
Mar 192008

And it’s RIGHT NOW.

(it’s over now)

  9 Responses to “Another Metaplace Uberspace stress test”

  1. Another Metaplace Uberspace stress testPosted on March 19, 2008 by Raph

  2. Reinstall Flash from Adobe’s site, and that should go away.

  3. Missed another stress test. I was on the road this time. /sigh

  4. Well you went and scheduled it during class (boo!), Digital Games Based Learning to be precise (yay!). Unfortunately I didn’t have enough warning and we already had another activity scheduled (boo!) and were checking out an implementation of Active Worlds that they’re using as a virtual classroom down at NC State.

    Maybe 4th time’s the charm… at least I got to log in this time (yay!).

  5. Ack! I was at home… Bwaaaah… :””( I’ll never get in on one…

  6. Ah well. I’d hoped to go, but work hours and such.

  7. I’m going to have to insist you do these things on my days off. 😛

  8. I am officially horrible at that game.

  9. Horrible at that game? Man, I’ve been playing the stress test for four and a half days straight and I’m still on the first boss! He fights like the unholy offspring of Piston Honda and Illidan, with a smattering of Doctor Robotnic thrown in.

    Raph! Next time, give us more mushrooms and oil slicks in 1-1 and what the hell were you thinking putting the S-Gun there in 1-5? I spent like five guys trying to get that just to have it drop once I hit the side scroll of the boss level. :/

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