Want a world on your forum?

 Posted by (Visited 9217 times)  Gamemaking  Tagged with:
Mar 172008

I know, two Metaplace posts in a row…

Anyway, we are Looking for Community Beta Partners, people who have forums and want to try out adding a Metaplace world to them. This is just an early trial, so we’ll only pick a few to start. So if you’re interested, drop us a line at the link.

If you’re interested, please send me an email at [email protected].  Please include the following information:

  • Name, url and brief description of the community
  • Estimated number of unique monthly visitors/members
  • Type and version of forum software that you’re running
  • Ability / willingness to do some simple php integration

Now it’s MyMetaChat

 Posted by (Visited 4421 times)  Gamemaking
Mar 172008

If you tried out Metachat on MySpace, you may notice that now it embeds a personal world — as in your own chat room — on your profile. If people stop by, you’ll see them as past visitors, they can leave messages in the chat history, and of course, if you both happen to be there at the same time, you can chat live… and of course, it links to the main Metachat world as well.

The Sunday Poem: Science Homework

 Posted by (Visited 5364 times)  The Sunday Poem  Tagged with:
Mar 162008

My daughter has a science project she has to do. It involved testing various substances to see whether they were acid or base, using a stinky cabbage juice concoction. We did the experiments on the kitchen table this evening…

Science Homework

Cabbage juice and acid a pinkish fluid make.
Cabbage juice staying blue means you found a base.
Cabbage juice with bleach, though, is turning green;
Heavens! A chemical reaction unforeseen.

Glasses strewn on kitchen table, tablespoons of love,
Careful mixing of antacids and the smelly stuff;
We tolerate the messes and hope nothing explodes
For sake of experiments further down the road.

Avogadro’s number has nothing much to tell us
Here on a Sunday while younger brother’s jealous.
“I want to blow stuff up!” he says; someday his chance will come.
Meanwhile, I ladle cabbage juice into a poem.

If only we each got six glasses for our mixtures.
But all our lives are made of tests that became our fixtures.
Hypothesize, trial run, measure and record;
You take the acid, form your base, and keep on moving forward.

Metachat launches on MySpace

 Posted by (Visited 7609 times)  Gamemaking  Tagged with: ,
Mar 132008

Metachat logoWow, it’s been a crazy couple of weeks.:)

We’ve said all along that Metaplace is a platform for making all sorts of virtual worlds. I know a lot of you are waiting for games written in it – specifically an RPG, probably. But well, games are hard, and they take time. And we didn’t see any reason to wait! So we decided that it was time to start releasing some of the worlds that have been made with Metaplace, and today we launched the first one – a simple chat room.

This is part of the OpenSocial launch on MySpace, so it’ll be interesting and exciting to be in the first wave of apps… as of right now, we seem to be the #1 app. Of course, it just launched a few minutes ago. 😉 I fully expect to get overtaken any second now by Flixster…

There’s a more detailed post on this over at the Metaplace website, including some implementation tidbits.

If you have a MySpace profile, you can hit the apps page to add it, or visit Metachat directly.

Report on software for brain training

 Posted by (Visited 5224 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Mar 112008

Not “game industry” per se, but games are what drive this market right now. Pretty interesting.

» Report: The State of the Brain Fitness Software Market 2008 « Brain Fitness Revolution at SharpBrains

5) Over 400 residential facilities for older adults have launched computerized “brain fitness centers.” Sales to the healthcare and insurance provider segment grew from $35 million in 2005 to an estimated $65 million in 2007.6) More than five programs have shown results in randomized controlled trials. Cognitive functions that can be trained include: visual and auditory processing, working memory, attention, and decision-making.