
 Posted by (Visited 4946 times)  Gamemaking  Tagged with: ,
Apr 072008

isoicon.PNGI just realized I never posted about this over here, only on the main Metaplace site. A while back I did a little tool for Metaplace users to help them make isometric walls. Nothing too fancy, and there’s higher-end tools out there for this sort of purpose, but this does do some nice stuff like help you make sloping walls, do whole batches of textures and generate hundreds of walls quickly, etc.

So here it is — free, and no guarantees. 😉

If you want to check out some of the stuff that users have made with it, there’s a  little gallery thread over on the MP website. And the latest version is generally linked here.

  5 Responses to “IsoTileMaker”

  1. Ooh, a Mac version… hadn’t seen that yet. Thanks for the heads-up!

  2. Oh, I see. Us PPC Mac users are left out.



  3. Yah. Sorry. 🙂

  4. Raph, this tool may just be able to help me.
    I’m assuming it’s okay to use it for Isometric stuff outside of Metaplace as well, while I wait for another beta wave to open?

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