Apr 082008

  6 Responses to “Daily Show on the VW congressional hearings”

  1. Daily Show on the VW congressional hearingsPosted on April 8, 2008 by Raph

  2. LOL. That is a riot. Not only must we look into virtual worlds to fight terrorism but we need to do it to save the children and while we’re at it to save the sub-prime lending market crash. /sarcasm. LOL

  3. It had to happen. Bowling is sooooo 60s.

  4. […] about Raph  ·   contact « Daily Show on the VW congressional hearings […]

  5. Bowling is sooooo 60s.

    Why does everyone take pot shots at bowling?

    In the new TV show Greek, one of the characters even claimed that bowling’s not a real sport. Bowling is still popular in the northeastern United States; although, the sport has died down, at least, here in southern California. [My mom is a former pro bowler from the 80s and 90s. She was on TV and everything. Even trained NFL players and… Chevy Chase!]

  6. Bah, bowling is the easiest thing to do. You just knock all the pins down. If any are left standing by accident, you can just knock it down again. 🙂

    I used to bowl in a league. It was great fun.

    Fish Ta Ta’s! Porpoise Points! Crazy people, it’s just loads of fun.
    The funniest line I ever saw though, and I think it was Colbert but it was before he made it big, was when they “covered” the US report to the UN about Iraq WMD’s, with Colin Powell. Powell had a habit of saying “Hey, we’re just sayin’ that….”, and it often sounded like he was going to stop at “Hey, we’re just sayin'”. Then Colbert or whoever used it that way in a “quote”. Cracked me up.

    Humor is great for the soul. Especially our challenged souls. 🙂

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