RSS feed fixed

 Posted by (Visited 6726 times)  Misc  Tagged with: , ,
Apr 082008

Someone finally pointed out to me that the feed has been busted for days. It’s fixed now. So you can go catch up, if you read the blog that way. Also upgraded one more version — almost to 2.5 finally. Sheesh.

I see I now have this nifty tagging feature. There’s a tag cloud over on the sidebar now, and I tagged some of the recent posts. I also installed a plugin that lets readers tag posts — it’s at the end of each post, and it lets readers suggest tags. Enough people agree, and the tag goes on the post. Spaces are allowed in the tags. So have at!

  6 Responses to “RSS feed fixed”

  1. RSS feed fixedPosted on April 9, 2008 by Raph

  2. The feed has been working for a long while. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

  3. I haven’t seen an interruption in the feed, but I wanted to tell you that I do read your blog “that way”. 🙂

  4. To clarify — folks who had a direct bookmark to certain feed links were OK. Those who had gotten a link since I started using Feedburner were having problems.

  5. I’ve clicked through Google readers RSS feed for your site today and keep getting redirected to some awful ezwebdirectory redirect. It doesn’t seem to be my browser as all of my other feeds are working fine but I get the redirect from body text headers or expanding the text on yours. The url appears fine when I mouseover the link in the reader but, meh.

  6. You’re right, that does happen with Google Reader. It doesn’t with a couple of others I tried, though. Very odd. Will investigate.

  7. Looking at the actual feed XML, I don’t see anything that would cause that. Hurm.

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