Scary stats redux

 Posted by (Visited 6275 times)  Open thread, Writing  Tagged with:
Apr 192008

Back at the end of 2006, I noted that thanks to stat-tracking stuff here on the blog, I could tell that I had written 340,000 words on the blog over the years. That’s just blog posts, not counting anything in the site proper, mind you.

Well, here we are a year and quarter later, and there’s 540,000 words there now.

So I really need everyone to go back and tag them all. 🙂

  2 Responses to “Scary stats redux”

  1. I had written 340,000 words on the blog over the years.

    What is the start date for the words so counted? Is that everything since you’ve had the domain name, or does it also count back when your pages were under LegendMUD?

  2. That’s “all the words in blog posts.” So yes, it goes back to 1998, including the stuff that was on LegendMUD and ported over to here.

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