Upcoming keynote

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May 012008

I will be giving a keynote at Sandbox: an ACM Video Game Symposium at SIGGRAPH. It’s in early August in LA.

Hmm, what should I talk about? 🙂

  9 Responses to “Upcoming keynote”

  1. Talk about…”Me”!

    What “I” like in gaming and what “I” don’t like in gaming.

    Talk about how “I” like to discover new gaming dynamics and how the experiance expands “My” understanding.

    Maybe talk about what “I” think the problem is with publishers and/or developers. Do “I” find it equally compelling to rumage through a game shelf to find a game as downloading a game in digital delivery system, how does this less importance on The Big Publishers?

    Most importantly, talk about the commitments a publisher, developer, and game designer have of their audience to support their desires and expand upon the experiances or how betraying the trust of this audience has more potential to hit a revenue stream then an uneployed pirate of video games.

    Then again, you could always talk about “you”.

    – Duane

  2. [sarcasm]Talk about SWG. You know that’s what everyone wants you to do. Rail on SWG.[/sarcasm] *chuckle*
    I’d use it as a chance to talk about the convergence of game design and sociology as games become more and more readily available to the masses.

    [sarcasm]Barring that, you could always talk about SWG.[/sarcasm]

  3. And the other keynote is Katie Salen…


  5. Update your Influences speech, it was amazing and still very relevant. 😛

  6. Raph: I guess you liked Sandbox last year, huh?

    If anyone missed the panel that Raph was on at Sandbox last year, you can watch or listen to the panel discussion here.

  7. Maybe talk about the correlation between the slow death of modding and the quick rise of “user created content”?

    Sad i can’t go to Siggraph this year!

  8. If I had a chance to pick your brain one-on-one, I’d ask you why you think Metaplace is going to be a success, and how your initial plans are coming along. If the plan has changed, I’d ask you to explain the forces that led to change.

    I’d also like to hear your views about the major competitors in the industry right now, and how you feel about what they are doing and how they are doing it. Who is doing best, and why? Who isn’t doing well, and why? Is there any developer/publisher who understands game design better or worse than all the others?

  9. If you’re looking for a good place to do a “Why 3D Sucks” talk, SIGRAPH is the perfect place. (disclaimer: I like 3D, but I love a good argument.)

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