Supernova panel Wednesday

 Posted by (Visited 4782 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Jun 172008

Somehow, I completely spaced mentioning that I am on a panel at Supernova on Wednesday (which may be “now” by the time you read this…!).

All the World’s a Game
Moderator Susan Wu (Charles River Ventures), Doug Thomas (USC), Dave Elfving (Apple), Raph Koster (Metaplace)

Massively multiplayer online games offer glimpses of how social interactions and work will develop in the Network Age. What can they teach us? How can businesses and online communities leverage insights from virtual worlds to develop more effective systems and practices?

  4 Responses to “Supernova panel Wednesday”

  1. So, since “now” it’s Thursday, how was it? 🙂

  2. Gosh, I hope they don’t do that, that will be horrible, I mean, to have the social interactions of medieval MMORPGs in real life.

  3. Prokofy Neva wrote:

    Gosh, I hope they don’t do that, that will be horrible, I mean, to have the social interactions of medieval MMORPGs in real life.

    What about futuristic MMORPGs? 😉

  4. If there’s any venue in RL where I can cut down monsters for a couple hours each night and in the space of six months earn enough to buy myself a RL castle, please point me in the appropriate direction (assuming I get the MMORPG health/life plan as well).

    As it stands, the only parallel I see is if there’s an MMORPG where armies of underpaid and overworked functionaries slave away simply to maintain their current status while a privileged few skim away all the cream to finance THEIR castles. Not even Entropia is quite that bad…

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