New Star Wars MMO!

 Posted by (Visited 8639 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Aug 142008

No, not KOTOR. McDonald’s, the world I predicted at Sandbox would be bigger than WoW. 🙂

Today McDonald’s announced that the movie would be featured in its physical Happy Meals, which feature special codes to unlock content in the virtual world. It seemed inevitable that the physical Happy Meal promotions would get virtual tie-ins, and, just as in the real world, you’ll  find Star Wars characters in your virtual Happy Meal for a limited time only.

Through September 10, users can play in a new space-themed area, complete a Jedi quest with Yoda, and unlock six exclusive Jedi characters with codes from the meal. It looks like the space station and Republic gunship haven’t arrived yet, though.

  10 Responses to “New Star Wars MMO!”

  1. mcdonalds is doing a great job making a 25 year old man crave a happy meal.

  2. And the winner of the all time milking the cash cow is G. Lucas!!!

  3. roflcopter

    mcdonalds is doing a great job making a 25 year old man crave a happy meal.

    Get some of those kid thingies and tell them McDonald’s has the best food on Earth. It’s only your soul you’d be selling.

  4. I’m thinking that instead of taverns, there’ll be Golden Arches. And you can probably fight Jabba the Pizza Hut to defeat saturated fat cartels.

  5. Completely off-topic, but Amaranthar, I thought I’d make a book recommendation for you:

    I’m in chapter 3, and I think you’d like it.

  6. Silly.. silly…. silly.

    Now if I can only get my 80’s themed ascii online game to gain steam…


  7. Michael, I’m sure I’d like it. 🙂

    However, just to cover the bases here, my comment was a joke. I’m all for this idea, in case you thought maybe I was being negative. How they implement it is yet to be seen, but the idea is fantastic.

    And I am far from discontent. I have huge faith, unswerving faith, in our system (that of the free world, not just America). I have a huge faith in people. Communication of people’s ideas and wants and expectations (all pretty much the same) will drive this world into a better place. And despite efforts to stop it, it cannot be stopped. It will not be stopped. By the will of the people who all want their place in freedom and self determined prosperity. It’s been going on since the dawn of man, a battle against the darkness, so to speak. And look how far we’ve come. It will go on, ever moving mostly forwards.

    As this book no doubt points out, there is an immaturity that comes with being spoiled. That immaturity is exactly the same as the one where a kid thinks he/she knows better than an adult, when it’s the adult who’s been there, done that, and really knows.
    An old saying…”I used to think my dad was a dumb ass, then I grew up and found out he was right.”

    And it’s this immaturity that cause people to cast blame, look down at, snub, and accuse. This is where the hate comes from. But it’s not to blame people (it’s purely natural, after all), it’s to inform. To move people past all that. Awareness, it’s always the bread to the butter of communication.

  8. Heh, actually, my recommendation is based on your comments here in the past year. 😛 I said it was off-topic.

    The book is pretty good, so far. I just finished chapter 4, “OmniMedia”. Meyer is a media guy himself, to give you a sense of his tone. I find he’s too willing to make vast, sweeping generalizations… but that doesn’t make him wrong. And I’m looking forward to whatever suggestions he has to make things better.

    Seriously, I wasn’t criticizing you. Go check it out. Read the Amazon reviews, at least.

  9. Ugh…McDonalds MMO… I’ll go back to playing Dwarf Fortress, it looks like, where I won’t have to worry about buffing my fat ass with a +5 supersize value meal. And seriously, where is the RMT dollar menu, huh?

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