The Sunday Video: November

 Posted by (Visited 6344 times)  Music  Tagged with: , ,
Aug 172008

I actually did this a while ago, but finally posted it up somewhere.

November from Raph Koster on Vimeo.

  15 Responses to “The Sunday Video: November”

  1. I think I’ll just call you August Rush from now on. 🙂

  2. That was really fantastic, Raph! I’ve listened to it three times now — playing in the background. Lovely, really. Thanks for posting it!

  3. Good picking, Raph.

    Trying to get a new piece ready for the contemporary service here. I have to provide the score, lead sheets and recording.

    Between real work and that, no cycles left. 🙂

    BTW: Have you checked the Melodyne VST out yet?

  4. Very nice, enjoyable and easy listening.

  5. Rockin’. I dig it.

  6. I think I’ll just call you August Rush from now on. 🙂


  7. For some reason, I never get any sound out of these Vimeo videos. Any ideas?

    Did you record the audio and video with the same device, Raph? What do you use? I’ve been wanting to make some videos like this.

  8. I recorded the audio in via real mic, while recording the video with the webcam.

    I just used Windows Movie Maker to put it together.

  9. Thanks. I finally got the video to work… very nice! You might like a guitarist named Antoine Dufour.

  10. Hey, not bad at all! Do you happen to have a account?

  11. No, I don’t have a account. Isn’t that more about what music you listen to than it is about music you make?


    Eric is probably thinking that, since you make this kind of music (which he likes apparently), he’d probably like the kind of music you listen to as well. Hence, “got .fm?”.

  13. There’s a whole section of the site about musicians I like 🙂

  14. Awesome. I’ll check ’em out. Thanks!

  15. I like the percussive guitar. Very Kaki King.

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