AGDC08: The better EULA panel and MP TOS feedback
(Visited 6019 times)Sep 222008
There was a fair amount of coverage of this panel, despite the relatively small attendance. This was the one where we announced the Metaplace TOS. Some of the coverage:
- Gamasutra – AGDC: Property Rights In Online Games – Who Owns What?.
- Second Thoughts: Game God makes Good on Avatar Rights!
- Dusan Writer: Sources of Innovation: Metaplace, Second Life, OpenSIM, and Rights (also excerpted at Metanomics)
- Virtual Worlds News
- Massively: Picking Apart the Metplace Bill of Rights
- GamePolitics: EULA, RMT Debated at Austin GDC
- A Quicklinks mention at Virtually Blind
The discussion has been quite lively, and many excellent points were raised for possible revisions, many posted right here on the site in the discussion thread. I plan to reconvene with the lawyers and this feedback and present another draft for the Internet to argue over. 🙂
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