A Metaplace world on Worlds in Motion (!)
(Visited 5011 times)Oct 022008
If you go to the front page of Worlds In Motion right now, you see successive screenshots of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, Virek Online, and World of Warcraft. What’s Virek Online? It’s our most recent community spotlight. 🙂
Kinda cool to see this completely user-built Scandinavian folk music RPG (no, I am not making that up) side by side with the big boys. 🙂
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[…] ethnomusicology (<–Slightly embarrasing essay on black metal from 1998…), folklore, videogames, archives and random, useless thoughts. And all of those things shouldn’t be in the band blog […]
[…] the site (this was otherwise forbidden due to the beta-agreement), the game got mentioned on Raph Kosters website and it was featured on the front page of MMO-bussiness magazine Worlds In Motion. It was […]