A Metaplace world on Worlds in Motion (!)

 Posted by (Visited 4989 times)  Game talk, Gamemaking  Tagged with:
Oct 022008

If you go to the front page of Worlds In Motion right now, you see successive screenshots of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, Virek Online, and World of Warcraft. What’s Virek Online? It’s our most recent community spotlight. 🙂

Kinda cool to see this completely user-built Scandinavian folk music RPG (no, I am not making that up) side by side with the big boys. 🙂

Direct link to the article is here.

  2 Responses to “A Metaplace world on Worlds in Motion (!)”

  1. […] ethnomusicology (<–Slightly embarrasing essay on black metal from 1998…), folklore, videogames, archives and random, useless thoughts. And all of those things shouldn’t be in the band blog […]

  2. […] the site (this was otherwise forbidden due to the beta-agreement), the game got mentioned on Raph Kosters website and it was featured on the front page of MMO-bussiness magazine Worlds In Motion. It was […]

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