Here in London

 Posted by (Visited 6494 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Oct 052008
Platform 9 3/4, King's Cross, London

Platform 9 3/4, King's Cross, London

It is rainy and yet quite warm outside.

I was told to take the Heathrow Express into town, but instead I went by Underground just so I would end up at King’s Cross so I could take the photo that is to the right of this post. My kids should be much happier now, because I’d told them i didn’t know if I would have the chance to go by there. There were a fair amount of people there taking pictures, so I had to be patient to get a shot without anyone else in it.

The wall seemed quite solid to me, so I suppose I am a Muggle.

Normally, I combat jet lag by walking. But it’s so dreary out that I am not sure that’s the right solution today! Although the hotel did supply a complimentary umbrella.

I think I am going to go find some lunch instead, and then maybe brave the elements after.

  4 Responses to “Here in London”

  1. The wall seemed quite solid to me, so I suppose I am a Muggle.

    No, that wall is actually just a wall. That sign is merely commemorative. There actually isn’t a platform between tracks 9 and 10. You have to open a moongate.

  2. Ideally you’re supposed to jog into it at full speed. Get someone else to hold the camera, and be sure to have some tylenol around in case you don’t make it through.

  3. If you want to wander around indoors, go wander around Harrod’s for an hour. Don’t buy anything, as it’s all hideously expensive, but I like wandering their food rooms, jewelry rooms, and so on. The level of ostentatious luxury there exceeds any “department store” I’ve seen in the US (though admittedly, I’m not particularly into shopping and don’t seek that kind of thing out).

  4. Hey Raph, want to meet up while you’re in town?

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