VWF08 unconference

 Posted by (Visited 4352 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Oct 082008

Well, the actual conference may not have happened, but there was quite a nice series of events anyway. I had several appointments that occupied the first day. Then the event proper got back on track. First, the SXSW party took place, which was a nice meet and greet. Then the next day we gathered at the Hospital Club for an unconference.

I missed all the sessions (!) but it didn’t matter — the in-between and around discussions were excellent. Among other things, there was a Virtual Policy Network meeting, discussions of mirror worlds, several sessions on metrics, much discussion of kids’ worlds, and so on.

Afterwards, a group of us went to Covent Garden to keep chatting over beer, followed by dinner — mostly about the history and architecture of Second Life, the nature of a liberal arts education, the present and future of UDP, whether the food we ate was actually Mexican, and game grammar.

Alas, the nature of the unconference and the fact that I missed all the “sessions” — which were merely larger circles of chairs — means that I don’t really have any liveblogs or transcripts for you…

Today’s workshops are not taking place, so that means I basically have a day off before my flight back.

  5 Responses to “VWF08 unconference”

  1. You may not have transcripts or liveblogs but that doesn’t mean you can’t write an essay about what you guys talked about, if you have time of course.

    If there were some new thoughts, it’d be cool to hear them.

  2. Afterwards, a group of us went to Covent Garden to keep chatting over beer, followed by dinner — mostly about the history and architecture of Second Life, the nature of a liberal arts education, the present and future of UDP, whether the food we ate was actually Mexican, and game grammar.

    Two things:

    1. You drink!? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you imbibe, except maybe at that dinner with Noah, Lev, and Julian.

    2. You travel across the big blue to a major internationalist metro, and you… eat pseudo-Mexican food? *sigh*

  3. Raph, it seems you have a duty to Eolirin above to write an essay. Do send it my way when you’re done I’d love to read it. =)

    That was a good night. I’m sorry you won’t be there for Chris’s conference but best wishes on a very successful beta launch.

  4. Mr. Koster, you didn’t happen to eat in La Perla in Covent Garden did you? If so you may have graced my favourite restaurant in my home city. I’m slightly giddy!

  5. No, we ate at Wahaca. But now I have a recommendation for next time!

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