Virtual Worlds Interactive Timeline

 Posted by (Visited 6018 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Nov 172008

This is cool: over at Dipity, someone has made a timeline of Virtual Worlds.

  3 Responses to “Virtual Worlds Interactive Timeline”

  1. I think I messed up the timeline. When I tried to scroll back to the past, I instead ended up in January 2868. For a few moments I was hoping it was not a fluke, that there was some higher purpose to it, that it would show me what the future held for Virtual Worlds – but no, nothing.

  2. This isnt a complete list.

    Hell, they are missing my favorite!


  3. I’m about to dump my personal biases all over the table in front of everyone, but bah, where are the MUDs? All I see is… well, MUD. Sure, you can’t fit all eighty-gajillion MUDs ever made in there, but there’s a lot of empty space in there that could definitely benefit from a few of the more noteworthy examples. They would be way more relevant than some of the book and movie references in there. Or the hokey VR gloves. Sheesh.

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