Amazon says Theory of Fun is coming

 Posted by (Visited 4722 times)  Game talk, Writing  Tagged with:
Dec 052008

Sort of. Several folks let me know they got order update emails — and i got one too. What does it say?

We now have delivery date(s) for the order you placed on August 29 2008 20:02 PDT (Order# 002-8006376-3950630):

Raph Koster (Author) “Theory of Fun for Game Design [Illustrated]”
Estimated arrival date: 05/07/2009


  12 Responses to “Amazon says Theory of Fun is coming”

  1. Yep, got my email. I guess this printing of the book just has some things it needs to take care of first before it settles down: a couple months touring Europe, a couple months teaching English in east Asia — that kind of thing.

  2. i know they say that you cant rush a good thing, but isnt this getting a little ridiculous/

  3. Dang. Mine says 5/14/2009.

    Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.

  4. In other words, “soon”. Bwahahaha

  5. Hello from

    We now have delivery date(s) for the order you placed on September 02 2008 15:35 PDT (Order# 102-4892708-7857830):

    Raph Koster (Author) “Theory of Fun for Game Design [Illustrated]”
    Estimated arrival date: 05/09/2009

  6. Umm i must have gotten lucky, i had 2 extensions and then recieved it last month.

  7. Next time, just .pdf it :9

    (I keed, I keed!)

  8. My order was auto-cancelled by some weird confirmation system I’ve never noticed from Amazon before… Has anyone tried to ask Amazon why the page still says 1-3 Weeks and yet doesn’t appear to be shipping any copies?

  9. Wow, I think I must be lucky. I was already cursing at Amazon, but it says 06/02/2009… so only 2 months of waiting left, which seems to be better than all others here…

    Still, it’s an order from 31th of August… So I’m quite disappointed (at Aamazon, that is, for it said it was in stock which it apparently was not). But well, complaining isn’t going to get it here any sooner ;), so to end with a happy note: it is coming at last!

  10. Niels, that’s mm/dd/yyyy….

  11. When I tried to order one they wanted $135 to ship it to the UK…

  12. @Sara… ah, crap, that must be it. Those silly Americans! 😉
    So, let’s wait.

    @vibes: that’s a bit much. I got it offered for some 17 euro’s and a bit, including shipping. Did you opt for superfast next-moment delivery or something?

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