The Retro Remakes Competition 2008

 Posted by (Visited 9822 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Dec 202008

It has been a long week — lots of 12 hours days. I have a huge backlog of polished, AAA, commercial games to play. But instead, I find myself drawn here:

The Retro Remakes Competition 2008 Entries : Retro Remakes.

At the company’s holiday party we were just talking about the old Bruce Lee game… and there it is. 🙂 Controls just as stiff as ever, too! And there’s Fort Apocalypse

  2 Responses to “The Retro Remakes Competition 2008”

  1. Woah, there are some rather good remakes in that competition. I really liked how the Bruce Lee remake includes both the remake, the original version plus a whole bunch of other “modes” that are unlockable 🙂

    Kung Fu 2 also gave me a good dose of nostalgy, as the music theme is pretty much the same, the controls are the same (even includes the whole “shake off enemies by turning around quickly”-thing), and the enemies you fight look alike. At the same time the game plays at a more “up-to-date” speed =P

  2. […] your blog via Technorati, whilst searching for more “retro remakes”. I hit this page. Don’t know if you (or your readers) would be interested, but the RR site was hacked […]

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