WordPress updated

 Posted by (Visited 4873 times)  Misc  Tagged with:
Oct 252008

We’re running on the newest version of WordPress now.

I have also installed WP-Super-Cache in an attempt to reduce those pesky CPU Exceeded errors that keep happening. Supposedly, for anyone who is a logged-in commenter there will be no visible difference. Leaving a comment will update the cached page immediately. Keep an eye on the sidebars, though — those may not update instantly, not sure.

Let me know if you see any problems.

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The eyeballing game

 Posted by (Visited 5242 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Oct 252008

The eyeballing game is neat. I got a 1.08 on my first column, then finished with an overall of 2.87.

One presumes that doing this over and over again would improve your “eye” for angles. And in fact, I noticed that when I overthought stuff, I was more likely to be off, whereas when I just winged it, I did better.

Oct 232008

Yet another country has come down on yet another side in the ongoing “virtual goods are property” debate. This time it’s the Netherlands.

The Leeuwarden District Court says the culprits, 15 and 14 years old, coerced a 13-year-old boy into transferring a “virtual amulet and a virtual mask” from the online adventure game RuneScape to their game accounts.

“These virtual goods are goods (under Dutch law), so this is theft,” the court said Tuesday in a summary of its ruling.

–Associated Press: Dutch youths convicted of virtual theft.

MindBlizzard seems to have a great and detailed overview. Virtually Blind has a take on it as well:

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Oct 222008

Today we announced that Areae is no more — there’s just Metaplace. Easier to spell and say. 🙂 And also that we closed a Series B funding round, with Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz joining the funders. And that we are now into invite-only beta — there are invite keys on TechCrunch and GigaOM right now, and there will be more scattered about soon.

The beta site is up now too, with a link to the press release. Some press coverage thus far (I’ll just keep adding links at the bottom as more come in):

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