The Top 20 PC Games of January

 Posted by (Visited 12605 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Feb 292008

IGN: The Top 20 Best Selling PC Games of January
US, February 28, 2008

1. World Of Warcraft – online MMO that is ruling the world
2. Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare – online shooter
3. World Of Warcraft: Battle Chest – oh look, another WoW SKU
4. World Of Warcraft: Burning Crusade – and another…
5. The Sims 2 Deluxe – casual, and old
6. Diner Dash – casual, and old
7. 15000 Games – bargain bin filler
8. The Sim City 4 Deluxe – casual, and beyond old
9. The Sims 2 Teen Style Stuff – expansion to casual old stuff
10. Crysis – online shooter charting, but not actually selling much
11. The Sims 2 Bon Voyage – oh look, more
12. Half Life 2: Episode 2 The Orange Box – Steam, where is thy sting?
13. Battlefield 2 – online shooter, again! BTW, did you see their web-embedding announcement?
14. Warcraft III Battle Chest – Eeep. I need something stronger than “ancient.”
15. Pirates Of The Burning Sea – yep, another MMO. Not making enough of a dent though. 🙁
16. Rock Tour Tycoon – casual, and I bet you never heard of this game anyway
17. Sim City 5: Societies – gasp! A new game!
18. The Sims 2 Seasons – another expansion…
19. Age Of Empires III – this game came out in September of 2005.
20. Age Of Empires III: Asian Dynasties – …but the expansion is only from late ’07

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PC, Flash, and bits on a disc

 Posted by (Visited 9390 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , , ,
Feb 272008

At the Luminaries Lunch, I made the comment that PC gaming at retail is in dire straits. This is not a particularly controversial comment in the industry — everybody at the table agreed, though Chris Taylor went further, saying  “PC gaming as we know it is dead.” Sales for PC titles at retail are not very good, and have been trending downwards for a long time. The saving grace is WoW, and other MMORPGs — but even WoW is moving towards forms of digital distribution. I also made the comment that Flash seemed to me to be the next console.

Of course, this led to a massive pile of commentary and articles on the web, including many many negative comments in the discussion threads, which I will attempt to answer here:

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GDC2008: yet more

 Posted by (Visited 8581 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Feb 252008

That Luminaries Transcript is, well, a transcript of the Luminaries Lunch I referenced previously. There’s a few misattributions I spotted here and there — I am guessing that Dave and I sound similar on tape (?) but it seems like most all of it is there. Edit: another one is up at GameDaily. Edit edit: part 2 of GameDaily’s transcript is up. And now part 3.

There’s also a liveblog of the Metaplace “antemortem” up at Watercooler Games. I think folks expected less of a postmortem talk with less technical details and more of a show-off sort of thing, but hey, a postmortem is what we said we’d do. 🙂

An interesting overview of the vibe of the show can be found at Videogaming247.