Metaverse U conversation: Raph Koster, Cory Ondrejka, Howard Rheingold – Massively
Edit: also at MPOGD.
I have a title, given me by others.
I have a topic, sort of bothersome.
When prepping speeches, it is best
To have a solid notion of the rest.
Some notes from Dmitri Williams‘ brief presentation on data extracted from EQ2 and Second Life. My laptop crashed in the middle, but here’s what I remember from it:
It’s worth pointing out that these are results from very large samples; SOE generously shared terabytes worth of metrics data, and worked with him to do extensive user surveys.
Metaverse 2.0: There, I Said It
Tony Parisi, Media Machines
Was one of the creators of VRML, currently at MediaMachines.
It’s good think about this as Metaverse 2.0 for one reason: it’s time to do some rethinks, we are stuck in a rut, there’s a chasm to cross. So I am not going to talk about warm fuzzy potential, though we share those visions here in this room. It is going to talk about tech, how it crosses adoption barriers.
Virtual environments and the future of work (I missed the intro, so don;t know the actual title here… rapid notes, forgive the typos!)
Christian Renaud – Cisco
Byron Reeves – Seriosity & Stanford
Reuben Steiger – founder & CEO of Millions of Us
Byron: We need a shoe metaphor for this session. Reuben’s shoes (very colorful sneakers) represent how much fun it is, emotional arousal, meet new people, go new places. Enthusiasm. These others (Christian’s) are work: sophisticated, sleek, serious. And mine… well.
I think the potential, opportunity, for these environments to be important in work is huge. The potential in entertainment, etc, pales in comparison to their potential for use in work. If we can figure out how to entertain a few thousand call center representatives as they worked, and got them to stay longer than the average 9 month tenure in that job, we would have a $100m dollar business.