Gender brain differences and games

 Posted by (Visited 6957 times)  Game talk
Feb 132008

For Males, Video Game Rewards Are All in the Mind –

New research from Stanford scientists shows that the part of the brain associated with reward and addiction was more activated in males than in females when both genders played a game whose object was to acquire more territory.

There were relatively few areas of criticism of my book A Theory of Fun. One of them, however, was that it was sexist, in large part because I suggested that many of the core characteristics of most games were things that cognitively biased them towards systematizing minds (to use Simon Baron-Cohen’s term) — which statistically, biases them towards males.

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Xemu liveblogs DICE

 Posted by (Visited 5152 times)  Game talk
Feb 072008

I’m sitting here at home, sick with whatever nasty cold is going around again — three or four of us out of the office today in fact! — so I am not at DICE. In fact, I’ve been asleep most of the afternoon. But Rob “Xemu” Fermier is at DICE, and apparently awake even, and he’s been liveblogging the talks. Two in particular caught my eye.

One was the Blizzard talk, which really does reveal just how not like any other company in the industry Blizzard is, or really has ever been — hardly any publisher supervision, ever?

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ImagiNation Network revived!

 Posted by (Visited 6024 times)  Game talk
Feb 052008

If you are hankering for some Shadow of Yserbius action, looks like innrevival might have your fix.

The goal of the project is to create a server architecture that is compatible with the ImagiNation Network client software that you may still have lying around somewhere, forgotten, on a stack of floppies or a CD-ROM. This goal is being pursued by reverse-engineering the client software to determine the network messaging protocol that was used. We have had great success with this process so far, and by watching this site regularly for updates you will be able to keep up with our further progress and see what we have already done.

Looks like you will need to run an original client within DOSBox, but they have shots of a bunch of working pieces already — Boogers, 3d Golf, the Clubhouse…