Web-based VW news round-up

 Posted by (Visited 9497 times)  Game talk
Jan 142008

A lot of stuff has been moving on this front lately, so here’s some recent notable news. I know that some of the gamer typs who read here aren’t that interested, but the crossover is increasing at a rapid rate. 🙂

  • 3dXplorer has been released. It’s a Java-based system for embedding 3d spaces in a window on your webpage. Looks like it is single-player, like many of these solutions, but the 3d scene is hosted on their hardware, so there’s a service model underlying it (get lots of users, start paying). My thoughts: there’s likely a significant market for the embedding of single-user walkthroughs and 3d object representations, and several companies seem to be chasing this market or even already have offerings (such as Media Machines‘ Flux Player). But although the step from there to adding basic multiuser capability isn’t huge, the step of adding interesting multiuser interactivity is quite difficult.

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Console sales and open big

 Posted by (Visited 3811 times)  Game talk
Jan 112008

Anyone remember the big debate about how “open big” virtual worlds grow, and how they develop a scalloped edge based on holiday sales and territories, etc?

Check out VG Chartz’ data on “Hardware Sales From Launch” for the different consoles. There’s the curve I know! 🙂 Of course, this cumulative sales, so you will never see it decline, you’ll just see slowing growth…