Devs learning from gamers

 Posted by (Visited 5095 times)  Game talk
Jan 102008

The discussion with Moroagh continues, with the blog post Game devs learning from gamers (yes, I know it’s hard), part I. Alas, there’s no comment function over there, so I can’t reply directly in context.

The post is about the parable that Moroagh wrote a while back. The core point that Moroagh raises is a good one: designers have a strong tendency to say “the game should be played this way,” and to be resistant to alternate modes of play. I could maybe make the case that designers have that tendency because it’s core to their role: saying “the game should be played this way” is a decent, if not all-encompassing, description of what game design actually is.

That said, no designer worth their salt tries to change human nature, or assumes they have complete control. It’s just not in the cards. Moroagh is absolutely right to call designers on this.

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Feed wonky

 Posted by (Visited 4362 times)  Misc
Jan 102008

Yes, the RSS feed is wonky for some people, popping up an auth dialog. I’ve gone through to remove the offending links, but it looks like lots of readers have it cached in various ways, which means that even though it is (theoretically) fixed, it’s still popping up for people.

Not sure what I can do about it at this point other than post a bunch to get the offending article pushed off the feed. 🙂

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The WoW pacifist

 Posted by (Visited 7331 times)  Game talk
Jan 092008

How ironic is this? A player is attempting to level some characters all the way to 70 in WoW without ever killing anything. The only way to do it? PvP.

15 Minutes of Fame: Noor the pacifist – WOW Insider

It looks like PvP is a huge part of your strategy. Do you foresee continuing to PvP the whole way up? I have to; the repeatable daily battleground quests are the only way to “grind” XP if you aren’t going to kill mobs.