Mailbag: marriages, links, China…

 Posted by (Visited 8623 times)  Mailbag
Jan 092008

Hi Raph: I am not sure if I’ve ever thanked you in my visits to your site before or when you had your old site up…so here goes now! I met my husband in Ultima Online in 2001. We are still together – in fact he made me his RL wife two weeks ago in Las Vegas with our family present to give our blessings. (Had a blast – wish you were there!) So, I don’t know really, how involved you were with UO. Richard Garriott also received my thanks but hasn’t written back yet. He’s probably busy with his Tablula Rasa (which i didn’t like at all SHHHH!). Anyway…thank you for creating that world and naming a shard “Catskills.” As fate would have it thats the place we both chose and there we met. HAIL RAPH! *hugs* Thank you for bringing us together!

Well, congratulations! And take that, everyone who thought that Catskills was nothing more than an iniquitous den of PKers. 😉 Though I suppose that by 2001, it wasn’t anymore. And for what it’s worth, I am sure that Richard would offer his congratulations as well.

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Cheating part XVII

 Posted by (Visited 8996 times)  Game talk
Jan 072008

I intend to make this my last post on this topic for a while. Possibly a couple decades. 😉

At this point, the debate has spread far and wide. Some notable entries that caught my eye include:

It’s this last one that prompts a few thoughts…

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