
 Posted by (Visited 9449 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Jan 052009

Newlively is a VRML-based clone of Lively, based out of China. And I mean clone, they claim one done in a month. Not yet feature complete to match the original, but apparently actually backed by a company with funding (though the website doesn’t say who).

Not surprisingly, looks like there’s Lively folks moving over already.

We are often emotionally moved by thoughts of past experiences and occasions. Likewise, if we could create a cyberspace environment and an Avarat where users are already familiar, we help lessen the impact of loneliness and disappointment. After the closure of Lively, there is no greater happiness than to duplicate Lively for the sake of the Lively users. We understand that this activity would generate a certain degree of legal risk. However, whenever I remember the disheartenment and disappointment of that many Lively users, this risk is worth taking and the users will support us. Google is a great company. Its greatness develops upon quality customer care. What we create is similar to Google Lively, which the users like. Based on this, there should be no problems. We want to prove it. Google Lively’s concept is great and good. Besides, we are not using any codes whatsoever from Google Lively. The entire platform was created new from scratch. Only the concept and the interface remained as Google Lively and the amount of work involved in doing this was quite insignificant in comparison to the creation of the entire system. Moreover, in our understanding of the kinds of platforms, copyright privileges should go to the content providers. As long as these content providers are willing to transfer the platform to Newlively, there will be no issues.

— from the FAQ

  4 Responses to “Newlively!”

  1. They need to solve user generated content sooner rather than later if they’re going to succeed, IMO.

  2. If it’s VRML-based, it’s easy to get editors for that.

  3. This is about to turn into a fascinating story and something of a splash of cold water on the Web 2.0 era virtual world industry. I’ve been digging around their site and faq.

    For those who still refuse to see the power of the IP-unencumbered standards in a marketplace, take a look at those World lawsuits, look at how short a time the Chinese team took to replicate Google’s effort using free technology, then ask yourselves if perhaps you’re generation is going to be the shortest lived dodos ever spawned on the web.

    This is a real market game changer.

  4. This could be potentially huge yes, but Lively failed on many fronts and this clone could as well. Hopefully these guys changed the interface to make it a bit more intuitive.

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