Legends of Zork the browser MMO
(Visited 7250 times)Jan 142009
Legends of Zork – The legendary adventure returns, to your browser.
Um. I want to be optimistic. I really really do.
4 Responses to “Legends of Zork the browser MMO”
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I’ve quoted this as cautious excitement, I hope you don’t mind:
“The Great Underground Empire has recently fallen and the land is in disarray. The stock market has collapsed, leading even mighty FrobozzCo International to fire employees from throughout its subsidiaries. A craze of treasure-hunting has swept through the remnants of the Great Underground Empire. It’s a dangerous time to be a newly-unemployed traveling salesman, but it’s also a great time to try a bit of adventuring.”
So it’s an MMO about day-trading?
If it gives you any more reason to be excited, Raph, the guy that runs Jolt – Dylan Collins – is a Zork fan, so it’s not just an attempt to cash in on a brand. There’s excitement for Zork at the highest levels of the company. (Dylan’s a good guy in general.)
Are we likely to be eaten by a grue?