Energy drinks sold as “health potions”
(Visited 7502 times)Jan 222009
The Health Energy Potion promises gamers up to eight hours of energy, elderberry, ginseng, biotin and folic acid, and as much caffeine as two cans of Red Bull.
–New Health Potion Adds ‘+160 HP’ and Ginseng – Kotaku Australia.
Apparently, you’ve been drinking apple cinnamon Red Bull all these years.
16 Responses to “Energy drinks sold as “health potions””
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Honestly, while not pleasant, I have to say that the taste of the existing Mana Potions pretty much nails the flavor (well, a flavor, at least) I’d expect a Mana Potion to be.
I’ll have to go out and try one of these, just to sample the taste for myself.
Is it available in kegs? I hate having empty potion bottles cluttering up my pack.
They’ve had these at Frys for a while. They’re stupid expensive.
I agree Todd. I saw these a year or so ago online, and then in a store a month or two later. The price is absolutely ridiculous.
Muckbeast – Game Design and Online Worlds
Farm more gold. Duh.
2x a redbull means significant cool-down period, unless you want your heart to explode 🙂
The cooldown is no joke. It really takes a while to work up the nerve to chug a second one (and they are stupid expensive).
Has anyone else here actually tried one of these potions?
Game needed a gold sink. Didn’t you notice the housing bubble?
I’m still nostalgic for the +40 Jolt Cola (circa 1985). That puts it right in NetHack and MUD1/AberMUD days. I guess the ASCII graphics don’t make for a great souvenir glass.
Yeah, the damn dupers inflated the economy and then left everyone else holding the bag. RMT is a real problem in this game.
That’s a stupid amount of caffeine. Two of those are enough to provoke an acute caffeine overdose.
If it weren’t for acute caffeine overdose, there wouldn’t be a tech industry.
I’m still holding out for the polymorph potion.
Here I thought that was a bottle of Southern Comfort…
Transforming ogres into winsome maidens (or handsome rogues)? You may have a point, Todd. Clearly further research is called for.
(Sam makes a saving throw against Wisdom at a -7 penalty and…. ooooo, critical fail…)
No, polymorph potions are absinthe. SoCo is a poison potion.
Yeah, I have been reading a lot about these potions lately. I wouldn’t mind trying them though…. sadly they are not available where I come from…
There’s a mana potion as well: