Theory of Fun shipping & available
(Visited 7623 times)Feb 122009
Several folks have emailed me to let me know they got shipping notices from Amazon for the huge backlog of orders of Theory of Fun for Game Design, and now I got one too!
What’s more, it shows as available (sales rank 6225, and #2 in the game programming category!), so if you have been waiting, go grab it now…!
It could use fresh reviews too, so once you get it, please do post reviews. 🙂
6 Responses to “Theory of Fun shipping & available”
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Just got my note from Amazon saying it was shipped. I can’t believe I lent the original one and never got it back. I am so happy to finally have my own copy again.
Hi, Raph.
It’s awesome how internet can gather people together.
I’m from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and I first read your book in the middle of 2007. Last year, myself and some friends started a blog about game design in portuguese. Your book was a great help understanding games and fun, and I still get back to it often. It’s great as an introductory book, and is also grat as quick reference for some concepts.
As now I am aware of your blog (and twitter), I can thank you for the great book. I really recommend it to anyone who like to think about games.
We made a little flash game based on your “tetris-pit” concept:
It’s in portuguese, but I can help translating, if you really want it. 🙂
Thanks again.
Raphael Aleixo
Congrats, Raph!
My book, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI, is floating around in that new releases list as well… although I fear you are kicking my literary behind in that category. 😉
I do have to admit, it is odd to receive an email from Amazon telling you that you might be interested in purchasing your own book!
Raph, here I am holding my copy of your book. FINALLY! I’m adopting game aspects of ludology (game design) into pedagogy (learning design), so this is a must read for me. 🙂
Got mine yesterday. 🙂 Happy day.
Finished reading it over the weekend. Wrote up a short review on my blog. I enjoyed the book Raph. It was worth the wait.