Cool retro homage!

 Posted by (Visited 5785 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Feb 212009

Gimme Indie Game: Runhello’s Jumpman – Offworld.

Threw me for a moment though, since there WAS a game called Jumpman. It’s not that one. 🙂

  4 Responses to “Cool retro homage!”

  1. Threw me for the same reason. I loved Jumpman. I still play occasionally on a C64 emulator. It’s comfort food for me.

  2. Yes – “me three”!
    But I can put you out of your collective miseries with a genuine Jumpman remake. It’s called Jumpman UC. It was released 6 years ago, by the same Australian guy who programmed “Future Pinball“. JumpmanUC contains a level editor, & was created with the blessing of Jumpman creator, Randy Glover.

  3. Very neat looking little game there. I’ll certainly have to give it a spin.

  4. Yep. I’ve played Under Construction as well. It’s a near-perfect remake, though last I looked at it there were a few of the expert levels still non functional.

    Very cool that Randy Glover gave it his blessing.

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