Project Horseshoe, 2008, report, section 5 specifically is the game grammar take on multiplayer games. Wish I could have been there!
Theory of Fun shipping & available
(Visited 7624 times)Several folks have emailed me to let me know they got shipping notices from Amazon for the huge backlog of orders of Theory of Fun for Game Design, and now I got one too!
What’s more, it shows as available (sales rank 6225, and #2 in the game programming category!), so if you have been waiting, go grab it now…!
It could use fresh reviews too, so once you get it, please do post reviews. 🙂
Metaplace game jam
(Visited 4555 times)Go follow @metaplace on Twitter… we’re doing a little 6 hour game jam, and we’ll have updates posted throughout the rest of the day. It starts nowish… 🙂
EU says games good for kids
(Visited 9194 times)A report from the European parliament concluded yesterday that computer games are good for children and teach them essential life skills.
via Video games are good for children – EU report | Technology | The Guardian.
Saw it via a Tweet from Steven Johnson this morning. I asked him, “Do you think our books were read as part of the debate?” Or those of Jim Gee, Marc Prensky, etc… The article does say experts in games were brought in from numerous countries, so maybe.
There is discussion of the issue of stimulating violence, but the conclusion was that legislation was not warranted.
More interesting in terms of online, which is poorly regulated right now, was the notion of a mandatory way for users to report online games to PEGI:
The growing market for online games needed to be better controlled, the MEPs said, and online games should include a red button on the screen which children or parents could click to disable the game.
Manders said the button could also be linked to the administrators of the Pan-European Game Information age rating system, so that when a game player presses it, PEGI is informed and can investigate potentially disturbing games that are available through the internet.
The EVE upset
(Visited 32310 times)Edit: I don’t actually play EVE, just watch from afar. I’ve corrected some errors below that players of EVE mentioned to me. 🙂
A few days ago, everyone wanted me to write about the massive destruction of the Band of Brothers alliance in EVE Online, and how Goonsquad GoonSwarm finally triumphed via an act of betrayal.
But honestly, another day, another giant EVE scam. Ho hum. Is there anything really good to say about this?
For the uninitiated: there was a huge aliance named Band of Brothers. There was another clan named Goonsquad GoonSwarm who hated them (edit: well, everyone, really) and worked against them, but was not nearly as big or powerful. Goonsquad GoonSwarm would recruit BoB members in order to scam them. A BoB member joined under these false pretenses, but then chose sides and rather than be scammed, asked to join for real — and offered up BoB as his price of entry. He was a high-level admin of BoB, and he basically disbanded the whole thing, destroying it from within, and Goonsquad GoonSwarm made piles of virtual money.
The most intriguing aspect of the whole thing to me isn’t the way it happened, but the overall social dynamics of it — the fact that it was completely inevitable. There’s been lots of talk about how this was basically a sort of exploit, that one person should not have enough power to destroy the work of thousands. But I’ll make the case that this is exactly what CCP should want to have happen.