Great primer on comic book balloons and lettering

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Feb 082009

Blambot Comic Fonts and Lettering exhaustively goes through dozens of variations of word balloons and lettering choices in them.

I have often argued that in dealing with chat bubbles in MMOs, we should just steal these conventions, because so many people are familiar with them just by osmosis, even if they are not comics readers (many of these conventions are used in the funny pages too).

We had huge debates on SWG about whether to use “plain chat bubbles” or to invent something that was styled more like Star Wars. Plain won, in the end — and we ended up supporting regular, shout, thought, whisper, musical, caption, and more.

Twitter, status, and /tell

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Feb 072009

Hasn’t It Always Been About Status? is a little article tracing the status update mania (such as Twitter) to AIM status messages.

I have now spent two days with Twitter, and I have decided that it is basically guild chat in Internet-the-MMO. It’s a form of /grouptell, and we’re all out slaying bookmarks instead of orcs.

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Nanotargeting marketing messages

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Feb 062009

My brother Josh Koster works in politics. He does “new media” at Chong & Koster, which means that he handles doing viral and Internet marketing of campaigns — not the presidential ones, but downticket ones… like Al Franken’s. (If this interests you, they are always looking for new advertising talent).

Ars Technica just posted an article about something Josh wrote for Politics which he calls “Long Tail nanotargeting” of marketing messages. I thought both were a great read, and have relevance and applicability well outside of politics.

People don’t go to one place, looking for one thing. Their whims take them to a million places. The trick is to be everywhere, with tightly targeted messages. It’s about showing them highly relevant factoids/ads tailored to the whim they’re currently indulging, which if clicked, will redirect them to a relevant part of your website or related off-site content. In short, long-tail nanotargeting takes those little gems—be it an endorsement, video, news story, or ask—and shows it to the people who would care.

— Josh is Managing Partner at Chong & Koster

My LGWIV keynote now online

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Feb 062009

A movie of my keynote at Living Game Worlds IV is up now. You can learn about the weird connections I see between The Old 97, banjos,  copyright lawsuits, pop music, cellphones in Kenya, and molecular biology. Oh, and virtual worlds, of course.

Towards the end, I show a lot of pictures of Metaplace worlds from a few months ago. 🙂

There are also lots of presentations and sessions and panels up — I highly recommend the pioneers panel, but honestly, it was a great conference, they were all good.