HD Tetris

 Posted by (Visited 11562 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Mar 112009

This is why game tuning matters.

  13 Responses to “HD Tetris”

  1. I think it would be more accurate to call this Endurance Tetris.

  2. That’s hilarious! I actually tried for two minutes before realizing the futility and then just decided to let it run like Conway’s Life.

  3. 1st step/second : Whaou!
    2nd step/second : whatever…
    3th step/second : they are crazy

  4. Hahahah. A+ for funny factor, F for gameplay!

  5. Too bad I’m at work. I have to keep my volume muted here. I’m sure it would be a lot more fun with sound turned on.

    Getting to level 2 on that would really be an achievement though. Can anyone confirm that there IS a level 2? If so, get a life.

  6. Proving once and for all that the size of the playfield does not necessarily equate to more fun.

  7. As I commented elsewhere on this — this is the perfect first draft for MULTIPLAYER Tetris. Just add another 10, 12 players? and see what happens!

  8. I “played” for 3 minutes, then decided that I don’t have enough time or the attention span to meet Swift Voyager’s Level 2 challenge. ;p

  9. I lasted 5 and a half minutes. I’m not sure what that says about me: boredom? stupidity? immovable patience? living in the present?

  10. I may use this in the future as an example of what can happen if you hold a focus group and use it to design a sequel. “Much Bigger” “Higher Resolution”.

  11. Pair it with the XBLA Missile Command remix. Same mistake, just glossier — and it demonstrates how easy it is to make the mistake and even get it published as for-pay content.

  12. Well, with my usual Beta Tester determination I completed one full layer – took 31 minutes – and NO it was not worth the wait. (Helps to be bored stupid at work to have this sort of perseverance ;-])

    But,anyway, I have been hanging around fanbois for too long so the following quotes immediately come to mind:

    The game is awesome – it has the largest gamefield ever!

    If you haven’t completed a layer you don’t know anything about the game so STFU!

    Don’t listen to the Trolls.

    The game has potential…

    The Devs know best…

    The other features will be added in the next patch (you know.. the ‘miracle patch’)

    and finally – the old time favourite:
    This is HARDCORE Tetris… if you don’t like it go back to WoW, Carebear

  13. I wonder if the Noah Falstein commenting above, is *the* Noah Falstein.

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