Tetris HD … still going…

 Posted by (Visited 8201 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Mar 202009

Remember that bad idea of a giant Tetris? This is what it looks like after two weeks.

  7 Responses to “Tetris HD … still going…”

  1. Heheh I actually did that already, basically found the secret “faster” mode (click KEY, I think it was) and put a weight on the Drop key for maybe an hour, filled the whole thing. Looks kinda neat. Remind me to upload the screen shot from my laptop sometime this weekend.

  2. Gah… And yes, this is why it was a bad idea.

    Although, I must admit, it seems like after two weeks things should have progressed more.

  3. Must… resist… saying….


    Seriously, though. It looks like a coral reef.

  4. Yeah, I was amused when I saw this. I think it really makes a statement about the current prevalence of things becoming “HD” for no good reason when less focus on resolution and more on great visuals would probably look better.

  5. I was more amused by the “Anal Sex – Wikipedia” tab that he has open next to it. That, or the google search for “fuck fuck fuck”

  6. Haha, hadn’t seen that!

  7. They added one more. Plus four tabs.

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