BBC Click checks out Metaplace
(Visited 6367 times)Mar 212009
Alas, I can’t embed a BBC vid here, apparently, so here’s the link:
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Click | Webscape: Best of the web from Click.
Seems like they liked it. 🙂
Lots of other blog posts about Metaplace all over the place, by the way… but I don’t have time to assemble a link list right now…
5 Responses to “BBC Click checks out Metaplace”
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Neat, that’s certainly some good press you’ve got going for yourselves. 🙂
Wraith Koster. 😉
No, “Rafe” 🙂 A common alternate spelling and pronunciation, esp. in the UK.
Yeah thats how I found out about Metaspace. After I watched it I immediatley signed up for a Beta-Key
My fellow 40 something MMO and board gaming group are very interested in Metaplace. We want to design our own game and you have the platform sir! 🙂
Very nice press in jolly ol England.