UPDATED: They killed Dollhouse

 Posted by (Visited 5681 times)  Watching
Apr 092009

And the last episodes will only be on DVD.

‘Dollhouse’ Cancelled and also here.

I have to admit that the show felt like a miniseries, not a long-running series. But after it got past the frist few episodes, it was a good miniseries. I’ll preorder the DVD for sure, and my kids will be greatly disappointed.

Edit: updated info from Whedonesque:

Media reporter Alan Sepinwall tries to clarify Dollhouse finale limbo. He writes “Fox network won’t decide the fate of “Dollhouse” until Upfront week, near the end of May, and the decision not to air “Epitaph One” has nothing whatsoever to do with renewal”.

Edit two, from Tim Minear:

Because we scrapped the original pilot — and in fact cannibalized some of its parts for other eps — we really ended up with 12 episodes. But the studio makes DVD and other deals based on the original 13 number. So we created a standalone kind of coda episode. Which is the mythical new episode 13. The network had already paid for 13 episodes, and this included the one they agreed to let us scrap for parts. It does not include the one we made to bring the number back up to 13 for the studio side and its obligations. We always knew it would be for the DVD for sure, but we also think Fox should air it because it’s awesome.

And more edit two, there’s plenty of reports elsewhere now saying that it isn’t cancelled.

  16 Responses to “UPDATED: They killed Dollhouse”

  1. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-

  2. I gotta admit, while I watched it, I don’t think I ever fully warmed up to it – but then, I’m not a huge fan of the Whedon. Didn’t really like the Buffy TV series or Firefly, although I did like Serenity and LOVED Dr. Horrible. I think I’ll be most disappointed just because I’d kind of like to have had some resolution to the story.

  3. Is it actually cancelled, or are they just not airing one episode as a stunt to boost DVD sales? The website Whedonesque says that Dollhouse’s fate won’t be decided until the end of May. Now don’t get me wrong, it will probably be cancelled eventually, but one thing does not imply the other here.

  4. Are we surprised?

  5. Not really surprised — I didn’t really know how it was sustainable, myself. But I do get annoyed at mysteries not getting revealed. Still mad about JOURNEYMAN and that one with the immortal cop, whatever it was called…

  6. Firefly getting pulled was annoying.

    Deadwood shutting down at the height of the biggest dramatic buildup of the series was maddening.

    I hate to say it, but I’ve sadly gotten to the point of being “used to this treatment”. Fidelity, nuance, depth, social messages, artistic aesthetic? “Turn on American Idol and shut up” appears to be the best deal we get. Stopping now before I start another rant on why the simple majority gets treated like the only demographic.

  7. New Amsterdam was the immortal cop one, I watched the few episodes they had on Hulu for fun. Seemed like an interesting show!

  8. I hope it’s not cancelled. You always have to give a Whedon series a little time to get great. My daughter will be bummed too. I am still mad too about JOURNEYMAN, that was a really good show.

  9. Yet another example of a Fox giving the go-ahead on something that has the potential to be really great, and not actually giving it a REAL chance. I mean Friday night?! Come on. My rep of being the Grim Reaper of TV gets to claim another show. Fringe and Castle better watch it! 🙁

  10. I can’t say that I am really surprised. The whole thing felt very familiar, and I was concerned about them running out of story ideas. I mean the jobs they send the dolls out on are supposed to be routine most of the time, right? I mean they are running a business where they loan out their models to people. It wouldn’t make sense to intentionally put them in harm’s way every week. Sure things can go wrong and there might be a shoot-out or a high-speed chase or martial arts fight once in a while, but every week? At least with Alias it made sense because she was an undercover spy. How many different ways can you get the dollhouse girl into and out of trouble? Apparently 12.

  11. Kerri Knight: Stopping now before I start another rant on why the simple majority gets treated like the only demographic.

    You can always watch Ibsen’s Dollhouse…

  12. @Mike, knowing Whedon, there’d be a big twist somewhere in there, and the tone of the show would morph into something else entirely.

    Just because there’s a particular setting conceit right now doesn’t mean there will be for all that much longer if the show continues.

  13. The big twists have been coming every week for the last three weeks, actually.

  14. The Felicia Day fans will be really bummed.

    I think this is what webisodes are for. Again, crushing the largest non-linear medium into sitcom formats feels and is retro, but it is also the cheapest way to keep content going that otherwise dies the death of the fiat of mediocrity and the need to not be too intelligent.

    That said, if the core story had any novelty or production advantages, it will be canibalized and reproduced with all new branding. From Bewitched to I Dream of Jeanie was less than a year and they even shared sets.

  15. lol Len.

    it was… it was called “Alias”…… and before that “la femme nikita”

    and before that…….”Charlies Angels” 🙂 based on a lesser known B movie from the Faster Kill Pussycat era

    you really are smitten, aint ya…;) Dollhouse is though a decent consiet for a RPG/MMO.

  16. Smitten? By Day? No. I am looking at the media sea change, Larry. We have the same formulas being applied to a new medium and unfortunately, that is to be expected. The Whedon farm is successful. She is a perfect example of the new generation of storytellers coming online. She has most of the old points of view regards production and writing (and given the blog, worse to come), but she is relentless in trying to establish ‘streamys’ and I give her a lot of credit for that. Anyone who escapes Huntsville and gets as far as she has impresses me.

    Meanwhile over in those Vivaty rooms, mass consumer 3D is finally coming to the front of the pack.

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