(Don’t) Save the Princess!

 Posted by (Visited 5549 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Apr 162009

Today’s nifty indie find: (Don’t) Save the Princess! is Chu-Chu Rocket meets platformer, sort of.

(By the way, has anyone remade Chu-Chu Rocket onto a more modern platform? If not, could someone get it onto XBLA, please? One of the best party games of all time.)

  4 Responses to “(Don’t) Save the Princess!”

  1. Chu-Chu Rocket is awesome. I still break it out occasionally.

  2. Us too, Matt. 🙂 But the Dreamcast gets booted up less and less at our house…

  3. GBA had a Chu-Chu Rocket release, so it’ll run on DS Phat/Lite, at least.

  4. Ha, Chu-Chu-Rocket… I loved this game, but no-one I know has ever been able to wrap their head around it. If this *is* the ultimate party game, it’s the ultimate party game for geeks. :p

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