And the last episodes will only be on DVD.
‘Dollhouse’ Cancelled and also here.
I have to admit that the show felt like a miniseries, not a long-running series. But after it got past the frist few episodes, it was a good miniseries. I’ll preorder the DVD for sure, and my kids will be greatly disappointed.
Edit: updated info from Whedonesque:
Media reporter Alan Sepinwall tries to clarify Dollhouse finale limbo. He writes “Fox network won’t decide the fate of “Dollhouse” until Upfront week, near the end of May, and the decision not to air “Epitaph One” has nothing whatsoever to do with renewal”.
Edit two, from Tim Minear:
Because we scrapped the original pilot — and in fact cannibalized some of its parts for other eps — we really ended up with 12 episodes. But the studio makes DVD and other deals based on the original 13 number. So we created a standalone kind of coda episode. Which is the mythical new episode 13. The network had already paid for 13 episodes, and this included the one they agreed to let us scrap for parts. It does not include the one we made to bring the number back up to 13 for the studio side and its obligations. We always knew it would be for the DVD for sure, but we also think Fox should air it because it’s awesome.
And more edit two, there’s plenty of reports elsewhere now saying that it isn’t cancelled.