Meep cupcakes

 Posted by (Visited 8085 times)  Gamemaking, Misc  Tagged with: , ,
May 132009

meep-cupcakes-001meep-cupcakes-002These appeared at the office today.

Meeps have continued to develop as a mascot for Metaplace. In Metaplace Central, you can now go to a meep vending machine to buy them. They shoot out and land in the water to be eaten by sharks. Yesterday a user published a meep cannon on the marketplace. It fires them off at a high rate and they make a satisfying, gooey splat when they land. We now give out plush meeps to top performers every week. And they eat cupcakes too.

And this one on the right is the one that I ate. You can tell by the nervous look on its face.

  3 Responses to “Meep cupcakes”

  1. Made of win. And cupcake.

  2. Poor Meeps. They’re so abused… but in a lovable (and now tasty!) way.

  3. I’ve alerted St. Frank of AssetServer to these crimes against Meeps! Watch out, you will have a PETA-style campaign on your hands soon Raph!

    I so want a plush meep. I so want it. and I know I can’t be a top performer. But maybe someone has a plush meep they will sell me?

    Look, I have 9000 coins now, ne1 want to sell me their plush meep?

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