World of Warcraft movie from Sam Raimi

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Jul 222009

World of Warcraft movie: from computer screen to big screen, with ‘Spider-Man’s Sam Raimi to direct.

The juggernaut continues.

Minor note to the article writer: no, WoW did not launch in 1994. Don’t conflate game and brand.

  6 Responses to “World of Warcraft movie from Sam Raimi”

  1. No doubt they will market the film has World of Warcraft but I wonder if it will just be another story set in the Warcraft universe. How exactly does one distinguish between WoW and Warcraft anyway?

  2. How exactly does one distinguish between WoW and Warcraft anyway?

    Have you never played Warcraft I, II, III, and the expansions for each?

  3. That’s really not a very good article. ^.^;;

    It’s mostly about how awesome Sam Raimi is, and how popular WoW is. There’s barely any information about the film.

    Of course the worst part is that it’s live action. Why doesn’t Blizzard realize they have better 3D animation than either Pixar or Dreamworks?

  4. Two things… 1, the movie doesn’t even kick off until 2010 or 2011. There likely ISN’T any more information on the film.

    2, no, Blizzard does not have better 3d animation than Pixar. Wash out your mouth. 🙂

  5. Narratively, you can’t differentiate between WoW and Warcraft. They are the same fictional universe, and they are build off of the same plot threads all the way through. Gameplay wise, sure huge differences. How the narrative is laid out, again big differences. But the narrative itself, removed from the context of the gameplay, is pretty much coherent across the multiple games. (Baring the retconing that’s been going on since WC3 and into WoW anyway ;p)

    So the movie will almost certainly be just a story set in the Warcraft universe.

    @Relee, because they don’t? ;p Well, okay, they might have better 3d animation than Dreamworks, but not Pixar. They do go for a more realistic look, over Pixar’s more cartoony stylings, but within the style that each is using it’s hard to say that Pixar is worse. Also, it’d probably pull resources away from their game projects to do that, or force them to hire more staff, whereas this is mostly “we sell you the rights, you make the movie.”

  6. @Relee, Pixar writes code for their rendering engine that one day, somewhere far down the road is used in a real time 3D engines. Blizzard’s one of the best cut scene producers in the business but to compare them to Pixar is to not know how leading edge Pixar is in the world of animation. Pixar is to computer animation as Disney was and still is to traditional animation. No one else can compare at this point; not even the mighty Blizzard.

    That said, I’m looking forward to the new Disney traditional animation film simply to see how that seemingly long lost art holds up to Pixar’s releases. (

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