WebGL vs O3D

 Posted by (Visited 18603 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , ,
Aug 052009

For those wondering about WebGL versus Google’s extant O3D plugin, there’s an interesting thread going on here: WebGL – O3D-discuss | Google Groups.

Some choice quotes:

O3D is not going away.  WebGL is a very cool initiative but it has a lot of hurdles to overcome. The direction of WebGL is trying to just expose straight OpenGL ES 2.0 calls to JavaScript. JavaScript is still slow in the large scheme of things. Maybe at sometime in the future WebGL will have added enough features over basic OpenGL to be more powerful or JavaScript  will have gotten a few orders of magnitude faster but at the moment…

…the WebGL team at Google and the O3D team are currently the same team.  We have every interest in seeing both WebGL and O3D succeed.

  2 Responses to “WebGL vs O3D”

  1. Ahh thanks for listing this. I’m really curious how each of these will progress.

  2. […] tout simple : dans la mesure où c’est la même équipe… les deux chantiers vont coexister : WebGL vs. O3D. La fameuse équipe de Google précise ainsi dans cette discussion que WebGL ne peut pas répondre […]

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