GDC Austin discount code here

 Posted by (Visited 6114 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , , ,
Aug 132009

I am on the advisory board for GDC Austin. That lets me give you a perk! Because you read this blog, you get 20% off your registration. Click the image above, or this link: and use the code GDCAADVISORY in the reg form. if you use it before Early Bird ends, which is well, today, then the 20% applies to the lower rate. Hurry hurry. 🙂

  One Response to “GDC Austin discount code here”

  1. Sadly even with the discount I just don’t have the funds to actually get into the conference this year. Of course, since I live in Austin anyway, I’ll be bumming around downtown at night at some of the get-togthers. 😉

    Hopefully I’ll be able to swing it next year, or manage to get out to the next GDC.

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