Date My Avatar video – ROFL

 Posted by (Visited 7717 times)  Game talk, Music  Tagged with:
Aug 172009

Felicia Day’s latest. 🙂

  10 Responses to “Date My Avatar video – ROFL”

  1. That oughta spike the downloads.

  2. Well that was… an experience.

  3. Amazing really. Blows away the Leeeeroy video.

  4. That was pure win.

  5. Is there anything that Felicia Day has touched that isn’t gold?

  6. Well, I saw her play a shy horsewoman in one of the Mystery Woman movies. Those didn’t turn to gold. But I like the Mystery Woman movies, personally. 🙂

  7. Is there anything that Felicia Day has touched that isn’t gold?

    Nathan Fillion and a red dryer at Sears.

  8. This was priceless. I love Felicia. Never miss an episode of The Guild.

  9. Hehe, gotta love ‘The Guild’ eh? 😉

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