Random GDCA notes

 Posted by (Visited 5149 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Sep 162009

I got to my hotel and there was a cowboy boot made of chocolate, with bonbons inside, waiting on the table. Ah, Austin.

The speaker’s gift is an ice cube tray that makes Space Invaders.

Have not yet had Rudy’s. This is a crime.

Told a lot of UO stories! Sort of weird how much it came up today.

A few folks from Korea asked for my autograph. They say everyone there still reads A Theory of Fun. Hurray!

Learned that lots of scripts I wrote for UO are still used in their original form.

Watched a bunch of famous game designers whose names I shall not drop play Family Business. They affected terrible Joisey and Brooklyn accents as they played.

Was able to answer John Romero’s trivia questions about old Epyx games. Was able to stump him on the name of the third Apshai game. I told him I didn’t tweet that fact. I didn’t promise not to blog it!

Here’s one for the Twitter followers of #designshoefetish or whatever the tag is: a pic of me and Brenda Brathwaite.

My talk is not until Friday,and I still have slides to prep. But it is almost 1am here… sigh.

  3 Responses to “Random GDCA notes”

  1. Any time you get a load of famous game designers together, especially if they include Brenda, they can’t help but play and / or talk about Family Business in terrible Joisey and Brooklyn accents.

    I have experienced this waaaaay too many times. It’s almost scary.

  2. Yes, you stumped me on the Temple of Apshai sequels……. except you were wrong on the third one.

    You said the sequels were Upper Reaches of Apshai and then Hellfire Warrior.

    The third in the series is Curse of Ra.

    They made 2 prequels: Gateway to Apshai and then Hellfire Warrior.

    Until our next trivia meltdown, take care.


  3. oooh, ooowwww, burned! 😛

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