The UN recognizes virtual worlds (wink)

 Posted by (Visited 6780 times)  Game talk  Tagged with:
Sep 252009

Or at least France does. But only in contrast to the real one. 🙂

French President Nicolas Sarkozy was more pointed than Obama in his criticism of Tehran, listing offers made by world powers to Iran in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and this year, with no real response from the Islamic Republic.

“There comes a time when stubborn facts will compel us to take a decision if we want a world without nuclear weapons,” he said. “We live in a real world, not a virtual world…”

— via Security Council Adopts Nuclear Weapons Resolution –

I’ll have you know that virtual worlds have their share of stubborn facts!

Nukers, too.

[via Mark in the comment thread to the last post.]

  6 Responses to “The UN recognizes virtual worlds (wink)”

  1. He went on to say that they’d start by disemvoweling Ahmadinejad’s comment stream before bringing down the banhammer.

    The enraged leader defiantly balked at the remarks via Twitter: “Dth 2 th nfdls! Dth 2 Mrc!”

  2. I’ve always thought the UN itself was the premier virtual world.

  3. Cool 🙂 Wonder how long it will be before they start taxing us on in-game gold earnt 🙂

  4. Repeat after me “les mondes virtuels”…

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  6. Haha, great post..Thanks man.

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