Philip Rosedale leaves Linden

 Posted by (Visited 7801 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Oct 162009

As a full-time job, anyway. There are theories as to what he’ll do and elegiac meditations on his legacy, and among long-time users of Second Life, there are crises of confidence.

Philip is a crazy dreamer, so I am positive that whatever he does, he’ll keep doing that much: dreaming crazy dreams, and more power to him. 🙂

Here’s the link to his official announcement.

  One Response to “Philip Rosedale leaves Linden”

  1. Reading the Phaylen post, I had to wonder if the author and I were experiencing the same virtual world. While Linden Labs has always been happy to twist themselves into a pretzel for the Ashne Chungs of the world, their responsiveness to the average Joe User has ranged from glacial to nonexistant.

    Don’t get me wrong — I love Philip’s sandbox. It’s a damned good sandbox. But it’s most appealing to the part of me that finds a bug, knows the bug is never going to be addressed, and proceeds to invent a clever way to work around it. It’s not as appealing to the part of me that just wants to log into a VW and have everything be intuitive and functional out of the box.

    It looks like Second Life is aspiring to emerge out of its perpetual beta state and become more stable and mainstream (and if they get the customer service piece working for ALL residents, not just the corporations and millionaires, they might just succeed). For a developer’s developer like Rosedale, that’s kind of boring, I imagine. Like most trailblazers, I expect he’s itching for some new frontier. And I can’t wait to see what he finds.

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