Today’s Real Life Comics
(Visited 13072 times)Dec 042009
Real Life Comics – The Online Comic ©1999-2008 Greg Dean.
Just yesterday I was commenting to someone that I haven’t actually seen or spoken to Richard in a few years now…
14 Responses to “Today’s Real Life Comics”
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[…] Pro Tweets New blog post: Today’s Real Life Comics raphkoster – Fri 04 Dec 16:46 0 […]
Awesome cartoon strip! I actually just read the bottom left panel. 🙂
It’s practical AND efficient.
It’s a good recipe.
Stir well and add honey to taste.
Mm, I do think it’d be pretty interesting to see what’d happen if someone just handed you a few hundred billion dollars, and said “go, make something!”
Er. Million. Hundred Million. Doctor Evil moment, I guess. >>
That would be an intretsting Design Team to be on.
Richard Garriot was my hero growing up, but, I mean, that was twenty years ago and more. He’s an old man now. ^.^;;
I mean, yeah, he’s an old man who goes on fantastic adventures in space and builds successively more awesome mansions one after the other, but I dunno if he still has that magical Game Design Mojo. … Does he?
Anyways you don’t need him. You just need a great artist and a great musician, and the three of you can slam your power rings together and shout, “SUPER ACTION TEAM GO!” and you’ll all run around in brightly coloured spandex fighting crime in a 3D representation of the internet.
Didn’t Garriott have himself cryogenically frozen for a wakeup call in 100 years?
Some few people still say, although less and less often, that the MMORPG industry has been taking more and more away from us players with every release since UO.
The damn shame is that the ideals of UO were never expanded on. Instead, less is better?
You were the last hope, Raph. Then you left.
Why would they want Richard Garriott? I thought the one lesson to be learned from Tabula Rasa was that you don’t put two lead designers on one project?
I sometimes idly wonder what would happen if we could lock Raph, Sid Meier, and Will Wright in a room together and not let them out until we got a brilliantly dynamic MMO with compelling city-building elements and simple user content creation tools, and it sells like Chinese tube socks. But then Al Lowe shows up, pulls out his saxaphone, it turns into a jam session, and my daydream gets tossed out the window.
Buck- the problem with UO as a model is that no two people agreed what the ideals were. Heck, I always thought the most astounding feature of UO is that it threw all those people together in one game.
Um. The last time I saw this happen, Richard mostly just played C&C in the QA lab with Starr…