A few neat little games
(Visited 7671 times)Dec 082009
Just a quick post to note some games that have caught my eye lately. If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen mention of some of these already.
- Continuity: A Flash Puzzle Platformer is neat and kind of “meta.”If you liked Flash Portal, this will likely tickle some of the same neurons for you.
- Another Flash game, Red Remover, which a Box2d based physics puzzler. The neat twist here is that gravity starts to change after a certain point…
- There’s now a free, client-download based LAN/Net version of M.U.L.E. As longtime blog readers know, this may be my favorite game design of all time.
3 Responses to “A few neat little games”
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Been playing Planet M.U.L.E. the last couple of days and loving it! Brings goosebumps to finally play it again after all these years, and the implementation here is very well done. We’ll be reviewing this one this week.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Raph Koster, Crwth. Crwth said: RT @raphkoster: New blog post: A few neat little games https://www.raphkoster.com/2009/12/08/a-few-neat-little-games/ […]
Continuity was very nicely done, especially the fade-between of the parallel music tracks. Reminded me of several fun non-computer games involving edge matching that I’ve not played with since I was a kid.